The Genius Of ….
‘The Genius of . . .’ series explores the music of three great composers and reveals how they constructed their music, and, how in each case their music could never be mistaken for work by another composer.
‘The Genius of . . .’ series explores the music of three great composers and reveals how they constructed their music, and, how in each case their music could never be mistaken for work by another composer.
This course will show the diverse ways in which women have been portrayed in Western, Asian and Japanese art, from the earliest Egyptian Graeco-Roman depictions of beauty to the goddesses of myths and legends in Japan and China; from the entertainers of theatre and the heroines of wars to the educated poets and writers of
The pleasures of life are often shaped by their surroundings, and this short course will introduce selected buildings that frame those pleasure belonging to a number of well-recognised types. The lectures are not intended as comprehensive histories, but short biographies of interesting or well-loved buildings, drawing connections and pointing out idiosyncrasies.
“Look Here Upon This Picture”, Hamlet’s demand to his mother that she hold his dead father’s picture in one hand and new husband Claudio’s in the other, becomes our cue for a weekly opportunity to compare works of art inspired by Shakespeare by walking through each picture’s frame and into his plays. In painting after
A divided Europe pitted Calvinist restraint against the flamboyance of Catholic church and courts, served by an extraordinary array of artists and art forms - landscape in Holland, extravagant allegory for the courts, the drama of baroque architecture, and portraits which captured the personalities of the age. This series will concentrate on three exceptional near-contemporaries,
Story-telling is a key component of human culture. This series of illustrated lectures will look at some of the many different traditions of narration that have pervaded the art of the West since its inception, addressing the universal stories of myth, religion and history, as well as the innumerable personal and private stories of individuals.
Boasting a world‐class collection of Italian art, the chic city of Milan is a must for lovers of the Gothic and Renaissance. With alpine views, its rival, Turin, is much more than an industrial centre. Elegant streets and a beautifully‐preserved historic centre, make it the perfect place to trace the legacy of the Savoia royal
Thousands of students have undertaken our courses and with the help of our talented lecturers, you too could gain this specialised knowledge.
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